High-Speed and Hidden process
visualization systems
Smartmetal®HSLL640 / Smartmetal®HSLL810 is a versatile and powerful high-performance pulsed diode laser light source. It is very suitable light source for high-speed cameras, and an excellent and versatile tool for scientific and industrial R&D work. Typical application examples include welding, flow and spray studies, material testing, ballistics and explosions.
Smartmetal®HSLL system is compatible with schlieren and shadowgraphy optical solutions. The high maximum duty cycle (2 %) of Smartmetal®HSLL system enables it to operate at frame rates up to several hundreds of thousands of frames per second.
Based on our vast experience of design and test work with laser diode technologies at workshop sites we designed and tested following types of welding cameras useful for different application:
Demonstration of the Smartmetal KamA welding video camera working
Demonstration of the Welding camera shooting the Pulse Arc MIG process.
Apart the supply we also offer the rent turn key solution for your application, when you can take our specialist with high speed video camera and high speed laser illumination system for 3-8 days, and receive all data you need so far